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Iran’s Post-Election Uprising : Hopes & Fears Revealed

Persepolis : version révolution 2009

mercredi 1er juillet 2009, par Frederic Praud

Iran’s Post-Election Uprising : Hopes & Fears Revealed
June 25th, 2009

Warning : The authors of Persopolis 2.0 were inspired by the work of Marjane Satrapi. This does not imply, however, that the views expressed here reflect her own.

Since the Revolution in 1979, Iranians have coped with an increasingly repressive regime. Attempts for greater social and political freedoms have resulted in brutal crackdowns by the hardline government. The ensuing apathy and significant boycott of the 2005 presidential elections led to the election of the ultraconservative mayor of Tehran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Four years later Iran has become increasingly alienated and its people more polarized than ever before. The campaign of former Prime Minister Mir Hussein Moussavi galvanized voters hoping for change, especially among the youth – two thirds of Iran’s population is younger than 32. On June 12th 85% of eligible voters cast their ballots and what happened next changed Iran forever…


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